The Raising awareness of human rights project seeks to promote sharing of best practices between the Slovak and Norwegian organisations through educational and cultural exchanges aimed at addressing hate speech and bullying; to support young people reinforce skills and behaviours needed to practically apply, uphold, and protect human rights both offline and online; and to create solid foundations for a long-term partnership between Slovak and Norwegian organisations.
The project will improve youth’s understanding of the causes, manifestations, and consequences of hate speech and bullying. Through participatory training, the project will strengthen youth skills in preventing hate speech and bullying through alternative and counter-narratives campaigns. Through participatory training workshops, participants will be equipped with effective techniques and methodologies for planning, designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating alternative and counter-narratives campaigns. Thus, participants will be able to independently create and implement campaigns to address hate speech in their communities.
The project encourages young people to actively engage in community and school-based interventions that aim at addressing hate speech and bullying, raising awareness of human rights, tackling online human rights violations, and advocating for youth inclusion and diversity. Through workshops learning activities such as group discussions, simulations, and role-play activities, the project supports youth personal and social development by strengthening empathy, critical thinking skills, self-confidence, and social skills among youth. Project consists of a 5-day training in Norway for Slovak students, teachers on counteracting hate speech, and a 2-day siminar in Slovakia for Slovak and Norwegian experts on integrating human rights education into schools. |