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About us

Established in 2010, TERRAM PACIS is a human rights, non-profit organisation in special consultative status with The United Nations Economic and Social Council. Through education and training, we aim at facilitating youth build a universal culture of human rights that involves not only learning about human rights, how the human rights can be violated, and the mechanisms that aim to protect them; but also the acquisition and the reinforcement of the skills and behaviours needed to practically apply, uphold, and protect human rights.


 Our vision  

Our vision is to strengthen the capacity of youth organisations to practise a youth work that respects the cause-effect relationship of an Impact Pathway.  A youth work that applies a rights-based, participatory, gender-sensitive, and intersectional approach to advocate for, promote, and protect the rights and the needs of oppressed, marginalised, vulnerable individuals and groups.


 Our mission  

We are a training provider and educational resources developer organisation that truly believes in the transformative power of non-formal education and its ability to simplify the way we learn, perform, and elevate experiences through youth work. And as non-formal education is taking on a new meaning in this digital age; our mission is to pave the way for a youth work revolution, where we aim to provide youth and youth organisations with learning opportunities and digital, free, open educational resources.


 Core values  

We do not accept funds from the donors who could directly and/or indirectly, compromise our independence. We are non-partisan; we certainly do not embrace political causes. We maintain neutrality in our actions as we aim at keeping our mandate objectively to effectively tackle the challenges to youth human rights education and respond to youth human rights learning needs.



Accountable and Transparent: we have an ethical obligation to carry out our work with transparency to inspire accountability among the people we serve, by responsibly and effectively using our resources to their benefits. We thus strive to organising the energy and the ideas of the community to achieve together what individuals cannot achieve alone.

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Current projects

Intergenerational volunteer circles

  • May 1st, 2024
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  • Projects

  • Allegories on racism manifestation

  • Jan 1st, 2024
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  • Projects

  • Concluded projects

    Energy efficient use of school buildings

  • Apr 30th, 2024
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  • Projects

  • Youth health literacy

  • Feb 29th, 2024
  • |
  • Projects

  • Open Educational Resources

    Youth energy literacy

    Youth energy literacy Apr 11th, 2024Modules

    Youth sexual health

    Youth sexual health Oct 30th, 2023Publications

    Entrepreneurial knowledge assessment

    Entrepreneurial knowledge assessment Aug 21st, 2022Assessment tools

    Vocational education report

    Vocational education report Apr 26th, 2023Dissemination materials

    Intergenerational volunteering

    Intergenerational volunteering May 2nd, 2024Training courses

    What is internalised racism

    What is internalised racism Mar 16th, 2022Videos

    Learning App

    Digital-based training tool May 24th, 2020Training App

    Learning App

    Youth Health Literacy Aug 04th, 2022Learning platform

    So many  reasons   to commit.

  • So many   ways   to contribute.







    Org. nr.:  995-456-575  | Oslo - Norway
    * Tel: +47 969 51 953 * E-mail: info@terrampacis.org
