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Employee of the future

The project "Employee of the future - Flexibility, improvement, Development” aims to take steps to update and adapt the vocational education offered in Poland by exchanging good practices and experiences. The overall objective is to strengthen the entrepreneurship and creativity of young people by creating an interactive guide that will allow young learners to properly adapt to the requirements of the labour market; by developing the use of open educational resources; and by tightening institutional cooperation in the field of quality improvement and adjustment of educational offers at all levels of education.


The priority area of the project is primarily the development of an education conducive to social inclusion with the use of modern and open educational resources, and the development of career counselling in the field of profiling professional predispositions of young people. In Poland, vocational education is not popular due to its limited educational offers and the lack of adjustment to the changing conditions, not only of the domestic, but also of the global labour market. Thus, the project primarily wants to support the development of the vocational education sector, due to the need to educate highly qualified personnel who are the country’s showpiece also on foreign labour markets. 


The innovative nature of the project consists mainly in the development of a comprehensive tool containing the necessary information on the requirements of the labour market as well as advice and guidance for young people. At the stage of education, young learners are not prepared for the real challenges posed by employers. Thanks to project's results, they will be prepared for job interviews and work in teams. They will be given the opportunity to create their CVs in relation to their professional profile and have the opportunity to define their strongest competences and professional predispositions. Hence, in this project, education becomes a key factor not only for the development of humanity, but also for building strong societies and a healthy economy.

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